Book Formatting


True, besides the story itself, a book cover is the most important part of a book. It needs to attract attention and invite readers to take your book at hand. But, then a book will be opened, and its layout will be evaluated. Is your text easy to read, was a pleasant font used, were its chapters well marked and paragraphs clearly separated? You can have a beautiful story, but if your text is not clear, and it does not read pleasantly, readers will quickly put your book aside. We can help you prevent this and ensure that your book looks awesome. From the outside and inside.


Book formatting

You never notice interior design unless it is badly done. Interior book design can make or break a reader’s enjoyment of a book. We can design your book’s interior to give your readers the best reading experience.

Black text formatting includes:

  • Professionally and personal formatted text.
  • If pictures are included, they will be gray scaled.
  • PDF proof for approval
  • PDF print ready to use (including bleed and cropmarks if needed and depending on the requirements of the printer)


  • Your fully-edited and final text in MsWord doc or docx-file, including chapter titles and subtitles in separate font style.
  • All pictures used in separate zip-file

Price: $1.70 /page and $10/picture with a minimum total of $160 for each order.

Not included: proofreading and other editorial services