Book Trailers

Book trailers offer an additional opportunity to make your book known on popular video sites like Youtube and Vimeo. Moreover, this video promotion draws more attention on your social media, like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Using special techniques, creative ideas and automation we at MaryDes succeeded in developing professional book trailers for small budgets. Doing so, we give all authors the possibility to get more attention and create more sales with their own book trailer.
Look at our samples below.

Basic trailer

Here we tell the synopsis of your book on images of your book cover. You have a choice of several genres. For a small fee we add voiceover.

Including: book animation, special effects, text, music, voiceover (optional), high quality MP4 video file, 60-90 seconds.

Price: $380 or $420 with voiceover.

Standard book trailer

This is a personalized simple trailer based on photos, text and music. It makes your trailer vivid.

Includes: Book animation, special effects, text, pictures, music, voiceover (optional), high quality MP4 video file, approx. 90 seconds.

Price: $620 or $740 with voiceover

Premium book trailer

A professional trailer telling the synopsis of your book based mainly on video clips, music and voiceover.

Including: Book animation, special effects, text, pictures and video, music, voiceover, high quality MP4 video file, approx. 90 seconds.

Price: $980 Save & Exit


Astonish your viewers with a professional book trailer.

Fill out the order form and we will contact you soon to let you know what we need from you. (book cover design, genre, synopsis, …)

All orders are submitted to our Terms & Conditions.


We’ve noticed that many other book trailer designers take footage from videos on YouTube and Vimeo.
Although it might contribute to your trailer’s storyline, they put you at risk of paying huge amounts on copyright claims. Because you are responsible for your video and your designer can live in a third world country where it is impossible to recover your damage.

We are professionals and guarantee you that all footage and music we use, except the ones you provide, either are taken by us, or bought by us and therefore are royalty free.

With our book trailers you don’t need to worry about royalty issues.



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